Build and Deploy a Simple Apollo GraphQL Federated Schema Using AWS EKS (Kubernetes)-Pt.1

Ason @ Maison AM
5 min readJan 27, 2021


This tutorial is part 1 of this series.

Why use Apollo federation?

As a developer that has implemented a data graph using GraphQL and ApolloServer you may be faced with the question of how to manage an ever-growing data graph and the services that support it in an efficient and scalable way while achieving a true separation of concerns.

One option available is to utilise Apollo schema federation, which uses a Gateway to compose a single data graph which acts as a unified interface for querying consolidated data from all of your services. Furthermore, the Apollo graph manager will help you manage, validate, and secure your organisation’s data graph from a single location accessible by all developers.

Example Federated schema architecture:

Apollo federated schema architecture

This allows us to achieve a true separation of concerns with each service being responsible for resolving the data represented in its data graph implementation.

What we’ll be building?

A simple application that displays a user’s personal cryptocurrency wallet holdings and balance, along with user data and currency information. We’ll connect to the Coin Marketcap REST API to query the crypto data in part 2.

1. User Service

Let’s get started by building the services as they’ll need to be up and running in order for our gateway to discover them and compose our data graph.

Open up your terminal and clone the starter project

git clone && cd apollo-federation-starter

Open the services/user-api directory and install dependencies

npm install

Then run

npm install apollo-server@2.13.1 @apollo/federation@0.16.0

Open the /user-api/index.js file in your editor, which will be used as the entry point into this service and add the following server definition

user-api server definition

Next we’ll define our user schema by first creating the following folder and file in the root of the /user-api directory

mkdir schema && cd schema && touch index.js

Open user-api/schema/index.js in your editor and add the following schema definition:

user-api - schema definition

Now that we have our schema for our data structure, we’ll define the data to be returned by creating some example user data. From the root of the /user-api directory, type the following:

mkdir models && cd models && touch index.js

Open user-api/models/index.js in your editor and add the following example data:

Next we’ll define our user resolver by first creating the user resolver file. From (the root) of the /user-api directory, type the following:

mkdir resolvers && cd resolvers && touch index.js

Open resolvers/index.js in your editor and add the following resolver definition:

From the root of the /user-api directory, you should now be able to start the graphql playground and query a user by id:

npm run start

Query a user by visiting http://localhost:5001 in your browser and pasting the following query and query variables:

user-api get user by ID

You should receive the details of the user with “id” 1. We can now stop this service as we’ll be running it in a different way later. In the terminal, stop the user service and navigate to the services/wallet-api directory.

2. Wallet service

We’ll follow very similar steps for defining the wallet service.

Let’s install all dependencies

npm install

Then run

npm install apollo-server@2.13.1 @apollo/federation@0.16.0

Open the /wallet api/index.js file in your editor, which will be used as the entry point into this service and add the following server definition:

wallet-api server definition

Next we’ll define our wallet schema by first creating the following folder and file from the root of the /wallet-api directory

mkdir schema && cd schema && touch index.js

Open /wallet-api/schema/index.js in your editor and add the following schema definition:

wallet-api schema definition

Then we’ll create some example user wallet data. From the root of /wallet-api directory:

mkdir models && cd models && touch index.js

Model wallet data for /wallet-ap/models/index.js:

wallet-api model definition

Finally let’s create the wallet resolver file. From the root of the /wallet-api directory:

mkdir resolvers && cd resolvers && touch index.js

Open /wallet-api/resolvers/index.js in your editor and add the following resolvers definition:

wallet-api resolver definition

From the root of the /wallet-api directory, you should now be able to start the GraphQL playground and query all wallets:

Start the api:

npm run start

Query all wallets by visiting http://localhost:5002 in your browser and pasting the following query:

wallet-api get all wallets

This should return an array of all wallets. You may have noticed that our schema has given this service the ability to query a wallet owners information via the “User” type, but as the wallet service is only available to resolve data about Wallets and the User service is no longer running, we’ll leave it up to our Gateway which we’ll define next to bring our services together.

We can now stop this service as we’ll be running it in a different way.

Before moving on, let’s take a moment to reflect on what we’ve achieved so far. We have implemented two services that allow us to have a true separation of concerns, with the Users services defining the user schema and how user data is resolved for this service and all other services implementing user data, and likewise for the Wallet service. Now that our services are working and returning data we can create our gateway to bring all of our services under one roof and query them all from a single endpoint.

4. The gateway

From the root directory /apollo-federation-starter, install the following dependencies by running:

npm run install

Then run

npm install @apollo/gateway@0.13.2 apollo-server@2.11.0 graphql@14.6.0 dotenv@8.2.0

Open the /apollo-federation-starter/gateway.js file in your editor which will be used as the entry point into the gateway and add the following server definition:

gateway server defintion

Let’s start the services in the terminal:

npm run start-services

Now let’s start the gateway in a new terminal window (CMD+T):

npm run start-gateway

You should now be able to query all data from your services in your Apollo gateway. Open the GraphQL playground by visiting http://localhost:4000 and paste in the following queries:

The following query will return a single wallet with the owner’s (user) data resolved from the user-api service… 🥳👨‍💻🔮

To query a user:

That’s it for part 1. As a challenge, why not try extending the User service to return a user’s wallet info when a user is queried?

In part 2 we’ll learn how to restrict access to individual services unless they originate from the gateway and how to resolve data from REST APIs.

> Part 2: REST API Data fetching with REST Data Source



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